Had some time to kill again today (come to think of it, I always have far too much time to kill... why I don't fish more often I have no idea), so went back down to the canal for a couple more hours between 5 and 7pm to see what it would produce. Opted this time for a smaller red spotted mepps spinner. It was absorbing trying out different retrieves to see what would produce follows and takes. No perch today, but two Jack pike came out to play. The first, one of the smallest pike I've ever laid eyes on, took the spinner right in at the bank with extraordinary agression but was comprehensively outgunned by my gear! Slipped him back, then soon had another more solid hit in a tight spot underneath an overhanging bush. A lively little fight was had before a second, better fish was in the net. It was still only around the pound and a half mark, maybe two at a push, but there's a lot of pike in that size bracket in the canal and they're a good laugh. Besides, at least my catches are getting bigger... I might be up to five pounders by November!

My snappy little micro-pike... dare I say 'would make a good deadbait'? |
Streamlined predator. |
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